This site was born in early 2000. Most examples, how-to's and other materials are relevant for versions 7.1 and 7.2. Later versions, i.e. 10, is a containerization of 7.2 functionality.
For a quick hands-on start, spend a couple of hours on the Getting Started Guide. There are also video tutorials, like this beginner lesson split into Part 1 and Part 2. You also have the Tutorial videos and the TDI Launchpad page which covers installation tips,
Community resources are a great asset. For enlightenment, try the IBM Security Community Forum or the Integrator Community on Discord. There is a wealth of information in the old Google Forum, and lthough it has been abandoned due to spam, the search feature still works just fine.
Finally, there is a Reddit substack.
The latest version of SDI is 10, although as mentioned above, documentation, videos, examples and tutorials for versions 7.* are still relevant. Even most for 6.*, although the UI looks even funkier.
Here is the official list of recommended fixes for all versions of TDI/SDI. Be sure to have the latest FP. And to update the JVM that TDI users to at least 8.Note: each fixpack (FP) also includes previous ones, so all you need is the latest. This not the case for Interim Fixes (IF).