Scripted FileScan Connector (version 2.3 - updated 4 Mar 2011)

Used to scan a directory and all sub-folders and Iterate over the list of files.

Here is the TDI 7 version which you can simply drop into your Project:

This Connector has a custom Config form with the available parameters, like the directory to scan, if the scan is recursive and so on. It then build a list over all files, also in sub-directories, and returns the following Attributes:

  • fileCount - total files found in folder(s)
  • fileIndex - index of the current file (from 1 to the total files found)
  • fileName - the short name of the file (name.extension)
  • filePath - the full canonical path to the file
  • fileLastModified - number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970 when this file was last modfied.
  • scanTime - java.util.Date when the scan occurred

This Connector supports Iterator mode (since selectEntries and getNextEntries functions are implemented), and if you use the Delta Engine as well and do not map in the fileIndex or scanTime Attributes, you should have an effective solution for returning only new, deleted and modified files.

Here is the TDI 6 version, which is a script that you drop into a Script Connector.

-- EddieTheHartman - 4 Mar 2011
Topic revision: r7 - 04 Apr 2011, EddieHartman - This page was cached on 09 Aug 2024 - 14:58.

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