TDI 6.0 System Store (Cloudscape)

Follow this link to information tailored for TDI 6.0.

Cloudscape is a Java-based RDBMS included with TDI. In addition to serving as the default TDI System Store, it also provides a lightweight, portable JDBC data source.

A Cloudscape database is accessed via the name of the directory where data is stored. This can either be a fully qualified pathname, or one that is relative to the TDI solutions directory for embedded mode, or your TDI installation directory if you are using networked mode (see below).

Embedded or Networked Mode

Cloudscape offers two modes of operation:

Embedded Mode Default mode after TDI installation.
Runs in same JVM as TDI.
Supports access by a single instance of the TDI CE or Run-time Server at a time.
Cloudscape is automatically started by TDI whenever a database table is accessed.
Database names are relative to your solutions directory.
The db2j.log file is created in your solutions directory.

Networked Mode Causes Cloudscape to run in its own JVM.
Allows simultaneous access from multiple clients over IP.
Automatically started by the TDI Server \x96 but not by the CE \x96 if the property is set to automatic (see description below).
Database names are relative to your installation directory.
The db2j.log file is created in your solutions directory.

To avoid exclusive database locking and to allow data sharing between TDI Servers, you must configure Cloudscape to run in Networked mode.

Configuration of Cloudscape is done by editing parameters in the TDI properties file (solution in your TDI solutions directory, or if you do not have one then in the TDI install dir). If you open this file in a text editor, you will see a section dedicated to System Store settings:

## Location of the database (embedded mode)
## Location of the database (networked mode)"CloudScape;create=true"

The above properties have been modified for networked mode by prepending each line related to embedded mode with a hash character: (#) and then removing the hash character in front of all networked mode parameters. In addition to those shown on this page, there are additional properties to control the length of VARCHAR columns, as well as the SQL/DDL statements required to create the standard System Store tables. These can be tailored to support the use of another RDBMS as the System Store.

Once the necessary configuration is complete, you can choose to allow TDI to automatically start up the server process when required by setting the property to "automatic", or start Cloudscape manually. In either case you must stop the database manually.

The CE provides the Store -> Manage System Store menu selection for starting and stopping the database server.

This screen offers a set of buttons for starting, stopping and restarting the currently configured database server. Alternatively, you can control Cloudscape from the command line using a batch-file like this one.

  • cs6.0.bat: Windows batch-file for running Cloudscape

Save this batch-file to your TDI installation directory and then type the following in at the command line: cs6.0.bat start -h localhost -p 1527

Now Cloudscape will start on your machine, ready to accept requests over port 1527 (the default). To stop the server again, simply enter: cs shutdown.

Note that there is also a file in the TDI installation directory that controls system-level parameters, including security settings.


The currently bundled Cloudscape version 5.1.2 (5.1 with fixpack 1) does not support any other locale setting than English (I have tested with US and UK and it worked with both of these). In fact, the database server will not start at all with a non-English locale setting. Please note that this refers to the locale settings for your system. For example, in Windows WP you must open Control Panel > Regional and Language Options and set the drop-down in the Regional Options tab to, for example, English (United States). You do not need to change your keyboard layout. Note also that once you have select an English region setting, you may customize specific display parameters like date, time and currency without affecting Cloudscape -- just as long as the locale is English.

One common mistake is changing (or and forgetting to restart TDI. These configuration parameters are read in when TDI loads, and are not read again until the system is restarted.

-- EddieHartman - 09 Nov 2005

Topic revision: r1 - 17 Aug 2006, EddieHartman - This page was cached on 08 Aug 2023 - 11:53.

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